2022 Trends in VR Highlights

December 22, 2022

2022 is coming to a close and what a year it has been for the VR and AR industry. We started the year feeling hopeful, now that much of our world has returned to a little more normalcy than we have seen in the past couple of years. And our year at Yulio VR was a busy one! It was full of many different events and some launches to bring Yulio into the ways you’re using VR in your workflow. As well we were able to introduce several new services and features to our clients to take advantage of new trends in headsets. 

So, join us as we share some of the top highlights from Yulio this year and get ready to ring in 2023 while taking advantage of trends in VR and AR for your business. 

New Features to Help You Create, Enhance and Present VR and AR with Yulio 

This year we introduced a slew of new features that make creating VR projects easier so that more small and mid-sized firms can use this important and immersive technology with the tools they already have.  Let’s break down some of the biggest additions to Yulio’s services from 2022.

Revit to VR and AR  in Just a Few Clicks

We’ve been working hard to create Yulio plugins that make it easier to go directly from CAD design software to VR. This helps ensure that you have the easiest method of turning your design project into a VR presentation within a Revit to VR workflow you already know. We recently launched Yulio’s plugin for Revit at Autodesk university. Combined with Yulio Jump cloud rendering, transforming projects into VR experiences is now possible in just a few clicks. 

Yulio Revit Example

Revit is the top design software used by architects, designers, and engineers across the world. We want to empower firms from these industries and give them one of the easiest and quickest ways to generate VR experiences for their clients and presentations. With the release of this new plugin, we’re looking forward to seeing all sorts of new VR creations in Yulio and opening up VR to a wider audience. 

Yulio’s plugin clears the hurdles to allow anyone who has a Revit license to create VR in a few clicks. Using Revit as the baseline for VR projects avoids complex training, and expensive software prices making VR more practical. The design time overhead is low enough that Yulio clients can use VR on any project.
Additionally, users can tag any item in their Revit projects as an AR object and after rendering, view it in AR with Yulio. Augmented Reality helps clients see items in the context of their own space and interact with them - and now it’s easy to create straight from Revit

Get Up and Running with the Yulio Learning Portal

Earlier this year we introduced a brand-new resource for all Yulio account holders: The Yulio Learning Portal. This new resource includes several self-paced courses that anyone can take such as a course that goes over the basics of Yulio but also offers courses on some of the more advanced features and tools available. On top of that, we have quick start guides that can help anyone on your team get up and running with Yulio right away. 

As we continue to develop more features and tools for Yulio, the Yulio Learning Portal will be the resource that will guide you step-by-step and set you and your team up for success. By the end of each course, you will become more and more of a Yulio expert.

Easier Ways to Share your Projects 

At Yulio, we know that it’s essential to be able to easily share your VR projects with your audience. So far, we’ve allowed you to share via URL, Text, and embedding. However, this year we were able to add the ability to share via QR code. This may seem like a small step, but this was a heavily requested feature. We hope you are finding it easier to share projects whether in a presentation or if you are on a conference floor looking to get your projects in the hands of a potential client.



Client Galleries 

Also new for 2022 - Client Galleries are now included in your Yulio subscription. Create a secure 'gallery' for each of your clients to view VR projects. Client galleries allow you to share up to 10 projects and update them from within your account. You can share a secure client gallery with your client, and be in full control of the content available there throughout the lifecycle of the project. Just another way to easily share the projects you want easily with your clients. 

CG 10


A Return to Events and Connecting Again

A major highlight for Yulio this year was our ability to attend several major events from our VR and CAD industry in person again. After two years, it was great to once again connect with colleagues and top minds from across the industry. 

Autodesk University 2022

This September, for the first time, Yulio attended and was a Silver Sponsor at Autodesk University. One of the largest international design conferences that attract many people from across many different industries. Autodesk is the creator of much different design software, including Revit. At the conference, we were able to introduce and give attendees the first glimpse of our Yulio plugin for Revit. It was great to finally see a public response to the plugin and we heard from many people about how easy it was to create VR using Yulio and Revit.

Connecting with the community at Autodesk University was a major highlight, getting face-time with members of the industry and introducing the unique power and simplicity of Yulio VR to many new people. From our booth on the conference floor, we shared VR and AR experiences that showcased our simple Create, Enhance, Present model for creating practical, business-ready VR in a few clicks. Attendees explored VR environments made directly from Revit and got a feel for the many built-in collaborative and presentation tools Yulio has that make getting a VR presentation in the headset simple.


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We also had the opportunity to present a session of our own and participated in a couple of panels as experts within the VR/AR/XR industry. Sharing our experience with our many testers and early adopters demonstrated that the VR industry has been around long enough that Yulio has helped clear the hurdles. During our session, “Create, Enhance and Present: Practical VR/AR Presentations, Solved”, our very own Ian Hall, Chief Product Office, and Dana Warren, Customer Success manager, presented the power of Yulio to make VR and AR practical business tools. We showcased how Yulio works with Autodesk software such as Revit or your rendering engine of choice. We were able to share with the audience how we’ve solved the challenges that make VR a “sometimes” tool so that its immersive power can be used on every pitch.

We also had the opportunity to appear on the “Women in XR: Changing how we work, play and interact” and “AR/VR enhances workflow, fuels collaboration and improves decision-making” panels. Dana Warren had a chance to speak about her experiences in the XR industry and her work in Yulio.

NeoCon 2022

NeoCon 2022 returned in full swing in June, giving a chance for professionals from the furniture, architecture, and design industries to connect after a multiple-year hiatus. At this kind of event, we often get a good snapshot of current design industry trends and what we can expect soon from workplace design. This year was just that and we saw product showcases from several manufacturers that got us excited. 

We saw trends in

  • Sustainability
  • Creating more of a living/home space
  • Having semi-private spaces for connecting with remote workers 


Living Spaces NeoCon


Cisco-KiSP Projects 

Yulio was able to help power the VR tour that our partners at KiSP used to help create several VR Tours for Cisco. VR is an integral part of Cisco’s work to visualize the future of hybrid work and hybrid education. KiSP helped visualize Penn 1, Cisco’s first smart office building, and presented the experience with Yulio. Following this, for Cisco’s education program, KiSP visualized both a school and higher education institution, each equipped with the latest in smart tech to help showcase how education can incorporate smart tech to help facilitate a more seamless hybrid experience. Yulio VR tours like these can be built with CAD tools like Revit, SketchUp, Lumion, and more. At Educause, these tours were on full display and gained a lot of attention because of their immersive qualities. 

2023 and Beyond

2022 was another eventful year for us. But we are still always looking forward to the future and what it can bring. We’re looking to continue bringing Yulio to more audiences in 2023. Stay tuned for more announcements from Yulio as we work to bring you, even more, features to bring your VR presentations to the next level



Michael Astle

Michael Astle

Michael is a writer for KiSP and Yulio, writing on topics such as renderings, The KITS collaborator, augmented reality, and virtual reality. With a personal interest in technology and design, Michael is always excited to see the newest technological tools and how they can bring ideas to life.