Unveiling NeoCon 2024 Trends: Top Office Design Trends

July 11, 2024

Earlier this month several of our team members attended NeoCon 2024 in Chicago. This is the premier furniture design event of the year attracting attendees from around the world for three days of fantastic sessions, keynote and showstopping displays. Our team always looks forward to NeoCon as it’s a great opportunity to connect with the top minds of the industry. It’s also opportunity fantastic opportunity to see what the popular trends in office space design each year are. We’ve rounded up the top trends that we noticed at this year’s events so that you can get an idea of what people might be looking for in their own spaces with Virtual Reality for Interior Design.

Acoustic Considerations with Furniture

NeoCon 2024 highlighted the importance of acoustic considerations when it comes to furniture design. With open office spaces becoming more popular, it has become crucial to create an environment that allows for focused work and minimizes distractions. Furniture that incorporates acoustic materials or features can help absorb sound and reduce noise levels, enhancing productivity and concentration.  

In addition to functionality, designers are exploring creative ways to integrate acoustic elements into furniture without compromising aesthetics. From sound-absorbing panels and partitions to upholstered seating with built-in sound-dampening properties, the possibilities are endless. By considering acoustics in furniture design, professionals can create comfortable and productive spaces for individuals to work and collaborate.

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Biophilic Design Integration

Biophilic design, which aims to incorporate more nature into indoor spaces, was a major trend showcased at NeoCon 2024. The integration of natural elements such as plants, natural light, and organic materials can have a profound impact on any employee’s well-being and productivity.

Designers are finding innovative ways to bring nature indoors, creating spaces that promote a sense of calm and connection with the natural world. From living walls to the use of sustainable materials like bamboo and reclaimed wood, biophilic design is transforming the way people experience their office spaces. By incorporating elements of nature into design, professionals can create healthier and more inspiring environments for work and relaxation.

Pod-like Semi-private Workspaces

In response to the need for privacy and focus in open office settings, pod-like semi-private workspaces emerged as a prominent trend at NeoCon 2024. These enclosed or partially enclosed spaces provide individuals with a dedicated area to work or hold meetings, offering a balance between collaboration and privacy. This includes acoustic considerations as we mentioned earlier.  

Pods come in many sizes and designs, ranging from small individual workstations to larger meeting areas. They are equipped with features like soundproofing materials, integrated technology, and customizable furniture to create a comfortable and functional workspace. With the growing emphasis on flexibility and adaptability in the workplace, pod-like semi-private workspaces provide a versatile solution for modern office design.

Neurodiversity Consideration with Materials

NeoCon 2024 also has started to address the need for neurodiversity consideration in material choices for interior design. Neurodiversity refers to the natural variations in the human brain, but a big part of it considering people’s sensory experiences and the impact it can have on their focus and mental state. Designers recognize the need to create inclusive spaces that accommodate individuals with different sensory needs and cognitive processing styles.

Materials with sensory-friendly properties, such as soft-touch fabrics, non-glare surfaces, and natural textures, are being designed to create a comfortable and supportive environment for neurodiverse individuals. Color palettes and lighting schemes are also being carefully selected to minimize sensory overload and promote a calming atmosphere. By considering neurodiversity in material choices, designers can create spaces that are inclusive, accessible, and supportive for all.


Sustainability in Material Choices

Sustainability continues to be a major focus in the design industry, and NeoCon 2024 highlighted several ways in which sustainability is being incorporated into material choices. Designers are increasingly opting for eco-friendly materials that have a minimal impact on the environment.

From recycled and upcycled materials to renewable resources, there is a growing emphasis on using sustainable materials in interior design. This includes everything from furniture and flooring to wall coverings and finishes. Additionally, designers are also considering the lifecycle of materials, choosing options that can be easily recycled or repurposed.  

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An Evolution of Office Design

And that covers the trends that we saw at NeoCon 2024. These are clear evolutions of trends we have seen over the past few years that rose with the adoption of more hybrid work and open office spaces. As always, we are excited to see how these trends continue to evolve and how manufacturers will find new and unique ways to adapt and evolve with the changes in the industry.  

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Michael Astle

Michael Astle

Michael is a writer for KiSP and Yulio, writing on topics such as renderings, The KITS collaborator, augmented reality, and virtual reality. With a personal interest in technology and design, Michael is always excited to see the newest technological tools and how they can bring ideas to life.