There’s a reason why many people refer to December as being the most wonderful time of the year. With buildings decorated from head to toe in twinkle lights and ribbons, it’s truly a magical sight. As the years go by, how we experience this holiday season changes, and 2018 is no exception. Every year, businesses consistently incorporate the newest in technology, hoping to make this festive time better than the last.
From the architectural advancements of the huge Christmas displays inside malls to the recent popularity of blow-up lawn decorations, technology can make this holiday season even more festive. With companies mass adopting VR, it’s no surprise seeing releases related to this immersive adventure. We have picked out our top 3 VR holiday releases that are happening during this festive season, however, let’s take a trip down memory lane.
Past VR Christmas Releases
Every year, Brits all over the country gather around their screens in anticipation for a very special Christmas advert. John Lewis, one of the largest department stores in the world, is known to release a heart-warming short during the festive season encouraging everyone to get into the holiday spirit. 2016 was the start of one of their most innovative years ever. Their Oxford street store had a VR setup, allowing you to step into the shoes of an adorable dog named “Buster the Boxer”. The following year also welcomed yet another VR experience, with “Moz the Monster” pulling at everyone’s heartstrings. With the VR rigs set up in their stores, parents could take a break from holiday shopping to share a new experience with their family.
Now that we’ve had a chance to look back on some examples of using VR during this time of year, let's dive into what we can expect this year!
For Everyone
As technology continues to advance, the more accessible these products are available. Oculus has made huge steps in making VR technology available to all people. Arguably, one of their biggest and most important releases were the Oculus Go headsets, transforming VR technology forever. These headsets were the first to provide a fully immersive experience without being strapped onto a rig. Stripping down the equipment to its essentials, the Go is not only now mobile, but extremely affordable. The Go is currently going for $325USD, which is almost $200 cheaper than the Oculus Rift. And guess what -- this holiday season is about to get even better. Oculus has announced that this holiday season, their headsets are being discounted! This exclusive offer is available until December 30th on Oculus’s website, or through Amazon, Argos, John Lewis and more. Stock up on some awesome VR headsets this year!

For the Gamer
This holiday season will be huge for gamers. Square Enix is one of the biggest names in the gaming industry, with an estimated net worth of $1.26 billion. Some of their most well loved and notable games include Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Kingdom Hearts. A few months ago, Square Enix announced that they will be releasing the VR version of one of their most beloved and popular game, Kingdom Hearts. As of the 25th of December, the Kingdom Hearts VR Experience will launch in Japan, featuring their main story’s stages. They will have an updated release on the 18th of January releasing the remainder of their content giving their users all the stages to conquer.
For the Family
The holidays are a time for everyone to enjoy, and ImmotionVR has concocted a fun VR experience that is family-friendly.
In 10 locations all over the UK, experience what it’s like to be one of Santa’s elves with Elf Power Inc. this holiday season! Thanks to ImmotionVR, guests get to experience what it’s like as Santa’s elves in making Christmas a magical time. Step into Santa’s workshop and see with your own eyes what it’s like to pull off Christmas. For those eight and over, this fun-filled VR experience will definitely get you into the holiday mood.
VR and This Holiday Season
The December holiday season is one that many look forward to, and VR is popping up everywhere you look. Whether it be the deals you can score for last minute gifts, new releases to look forward to, or an experience fit for the whole family, VR is blending into how we experience this festive time. As this industry continues to grow and explore more ideas on how to make an experience more immersive, we can expect to see more of VR in the coming years.
Enjoy this merry season more immersed than ever!
Here at Yulio, we strive for excellence in performance and integrity when it comes to our product, and customer service. To learn more about how VR can enhance your business workflow, sign up for our FREE 5-day email course. Get in touch with us to schedule a training webinar for a full walkthrough of Yulio here.